I want to learn about Memory Loss: Resources

Alzheimer Society of Canada
Our national partner, Alzheimer Society of Canada, has a comprehensive website filled with valuable resources. We encourage you to visit it to access current information about living with dementia.
Visit the Alzheimer Society of Canada website at: www.alzheimer.ca
Individuals concerned about memory loss may find these resources helpful:
- What is Dementia – Normal Aging vs Dementia
- Memory Tips & Tricks
- 10 Warning Signs of Dementia
- Benefits of Early Diagnosis
- Getting a Diagnosis Toolkit
Several resources are also available in other languages on their website.
FreeDem Films (Video Series)
A video series that addresses memory loss and dementia and provide practical advice about brain health. Each video answers a key question related to brain health and dementia that will increase the understanding of how memory works, calm the fears around memory loss or inspire viewers to consider their brain health and take actions that will improve the quality of your life.
Of particular interest may be:
- I have trouble remembering things; does this mean I have dementia?
- When should I be concerned about my memory?
- What can you do to keep your brain healthy?
Other videos, can be found on FreeDem website.
Hamilton Council on Aging:
The Hamilton Council on Aging (HCoA) is a non-profit charitable organization that was founded in 2005. A group of retired professionals, academics, and community leaders identified the need for an independent group that focuses on and addresses the systemic issues that affect the aging experience and recognized that some seniors fall through the cracks between existing agencies and government departments.
Visit their website to learn more about their initiatives: https://coahamilton.ca/
McMaster Optimal Aging Portal
A website featuring healthy aging tips and trustworthy articles.
It also provides high-quality information to help you age well and manage your health concerns.
Click here to visit the website: https://www.mcmasteroptimalaging.org/
Our Lending Library
Within our offices, we have lending libraries with books and other resource learning materials that are available for loan. Library resources may be borrowed or 2 months.
A wide variety of subjects are available including (but limited to):
- Brain Health
- How to live well with dementia
- In-home safety
- Medications
- Stress Management Strategies
We also have a multitude of printed brochures and booklets that are available to take, as needed.