I want to learn about Memory Loss: I Want To Stay Healthy

The most effective way to reduce your chances of getting Alzheimer’s disease or other dementias is to minimize the risk factors and make healthy lifestyle choices that benefit both your body and brain.
There is no one specific method, treatment or substance that is proven to prevent dementia. The good news is that we know that there are things you can do to reduce your risk of dementia, thanks to the many studies being done on risk and prevention.
As many of the risk factors that can affect your chances of getting dementia involve your physical and mental health, the best way to reduce your risk is to lead a healthy, balanced lifestyle that takes care of both your body and your brain.
You can learn more about risk factors, as well as lifestyle tips and strategies that can reduce your risk, by visiting the Alzheimer Society of Canada’s website.
There are some risk factors for dementia that you cannot control (like age and genetics). However, there are several risk factors that can be controlled such as living a healthy, and balanced lifestyle.
Strategies for living a healthy lifestyle are:
- Be physically active
- Be socially active
- Challenge your brain
- Follow a healthy diet
- Make conscious and safe choices
- Manage stress
You can learn more about these lifestyle strategies, by visiting the Alzheimer Society of Canada’s website and reviewing the brochure, Heads Up for Healthier Brains.
Your abilities, health, and interests should be taken into consideration when making brain-healthy choices. We encourage individuals to discuss living a healthy lifestyle with their doctor or to contact us for some recommendations.
Laughter Yoga is a unique exercise routine which combines unconditional laughter with yogic breathing (Pranayama). Participants can laugh without relying on humour, jokes, or comedy. Laughter Yoga is a fun group for any one because it doesn’t require people to be able to comprehend a joke’s punch line to laugh.
This program is held online on weekly. Anyone can attend this program and there is no cost.
We encourage individuals living with dementia to give Laughter Yoga a try. To learn more about Laughter Yoga, you may contact our office at 1-800-565-4614
Sit to be Fit, is a low-impact workout for seniors.
The program is designed to promote health and fitness for seniors and those wishing to increase strength, balance, flexibility, and endurance. All these components help to improve and maintain daily living skills.
Anyone can attend this program and there is no cost.
To learn more about Sit to be Fit, you may contact the program facilitator at 1-800-565-4614 ext. 102 or refer to Program Calendars.
Strengthen Your Mind is the perfect program for individuals interested in learning more about enhancing their memory. Participants will learn about:
- Memory & aging
- Living a healthy lifestyle
- Learning styles
- Strategies for memory improvement
This multi-week program is offered in-person (6-weeks) or online (12-weeks). This program is free to attend and appropriate for anyone NOT living with dementia.
We encourage individuals interested in this program to contact us for further information.
Walking with poles gives you a wonderfully tall feeling – naturally aligning your spine and strengthening your core while engaging 50% more muscles than if you were waling without poles.
This program is held in-person. Anyone can attend this program and there is no cost.
To learn more about Nordic Pole Walking, you may contact the facilitator at 1-800-565-4614 ext. 102.
Located in Hagersville, the H.A.C. (Health, Activity, Community) provides an inclusive environment that specializes in supporting people with dementia, brain injury and vision loss. Our team use a warm and caring approach in programs to encourage everyone.
Our specialized team support participants in maintaining their quality of life through a variety of fun and engaging programs.