I want to learn about Memory Loss: I want to learn

If you are experiencing difficulties with memory, know that they may not be signs of dementia. It could be memory loss as a part of normal aging.
Aging is a natural process of our lives. As we age, we experience gradual changes to our brains and bodies. Some of these changes affect our physical and mental abilities and may increase our risk of disease.
To learn more about normal aging and dementia, watch the video, I have trouble remembering things; does this mean I have dementia?, from Trinity Brain Health (Dublin) and visit the Alzheimer Society of Canada’s website.
We encourage individuals concerned about memory loss to speak with their doctor.
Mild cognitive impairment (commonly referred to as MCI) affects memory and other abilities, but not as severely as dementia. One can still carry on their daily functions and routines without interruption. However, there is a higher risk of developing dementia.
To learn more about MCI, visit the Alzheimer Society of Canada’s website and review the brochure about MCI.
We encourage individuals concerned about memory loss to speak with their doctor.
If you are an individual diagnosed with MCI, we encourage you to contact us and to participate in our Learning the Ropes for Living with MCI learning series.
The term “dementia” doesn’t refer to one, specific disease. Rather, it’s an overall term for a set of symptoms that are caused by disorders affecting the brain.
Dementia is not a normal part of aging. Age-associated memory impairment is part of the natural process of aging. For most people, memory generally remains strong as they get older, and doesn’t decline rapidly or substantively.
However, brain diseases like Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias are different.
To learn more about dementia, visit the Alzheimer Society of Canada’s website and review the information sheet, What is Dementia?
We encourage individuals concerned about memory loss and dementia to speak with their doctor.
A Dementia Friendly Community is a place where people living with dementia:
- are understood, respected, and supported
- will be confident that they can contribute to community life
- will be included and have choice and control over their day-to-day lives and level of engagement.
In a Dementia Friendly Community, we include people living with dementia in our community.
We are currently working alongside the Hamilton Council on Aging on a project to make the City of Hamilton and Haldimand County dementia friendly.
Each of us can play a role in making our community dementia friendly. One of the best ways to do this is to educate yourself and your peers about dementia and brain health.
Consider working with our Public Education Coordinators to deliver a presentation to your group; presentations can be booked for:
- Dementia in the Workplace
- Dementia Education for Community Groups
- Dementia Experience for Health Care Professionals
- Life Reflections: Creating a Life Album (appropriate for grades 8 and up)
We encourage our community leaders to contact us to learn more about presentations.