I am a Caregiver: I Want To Stay Healthy

FOR: | Persons living with early to mid-stage dementia and a guest (usually a family member or friend) |
PROGRAM: | There are two main components to the program; (i) a 45 – 60 minutes of physical activity led by a trained physical activity program leader and (ii) 45 – 60 minutes of mentally stimulating activities facilitated by a Minds in Motion coordinator and volunteers |
PURPOSE: | This two-hour weekly program is a great opportunity to establish new friendships with others who are living the same experiences. |
INTERESTED? | Please call your local office for full details and site-specific scheduling |
FOR: | Persons living with early to mid-stage dementia and a guest (usually a family member or friend) |
PROGRAM: | A two hour weekly program. The first hour is focused on looking at art, breaking it down for its basic elements, and finding what participants like about the art, or do not like! After a refreshment break, the group then focuses the production of art projects (where no artistic skill is needed) |
PURPOSE: | The creative expressions group is based on the Meet Me at MOMA program that was designed by the Museum of Modern Art in New York. The goal is not the end product of artwork, but the process and the connection with other participants. |
INTERESTED? | Please call your local office for full details and site-specific scheduling |
FOR: | Persons living with dementia, their friends and family, professional caregivers |
PROGRAM: | These weekly drop in 45-minute sessions are currently being offered on-line |
PURPOSE: | Laughter Yoga is a unique exercise routine which combines unconditional laughter with yogic breathing (Pranayama). Participants can laugh without relying on humor, jokes or comedy. Laughter Yoga is a fun group for any one because it doesn’t require people to be able to comprehend a joke’s punch line to laugh. |
INTERESTED? | Please call 1-800-565-4614 ext. 421, or refer to Program Calendars. |
FOR: | Persons living with early-stage dementia and their primary Caregiver(s) |
PROGRAM: | 6 (if online) 4 (if in person) |
PURPOSE: | Sit to be Fit, is a low impact workout for seniors.
The program is designed to promote health and fitness for seniors and those wishing to increase strength, balance, flexibility, and endurance. All these components help to improve and maintain daily living skills. Anyone can attend this program and there is no cost. |
INTERESTED? | To learn more about Sit to be Fit, you may contact the program facilitator at 1-800-565-4614 ext. 102 or refer to Program Calendars |