Health Care Professionals: Care Homes

PRC services can be requested by faxing a Form for Consent for Psychogeriatric Resource Consultation.
We provide dementia education for staff, volunteers, families and residents. Contact us at
Gentle Persuasive Approach
Is an evidence-based, best-practice workshop developed by geriatricians and collaborators to enhance the care of people living with dementia (PLWD). The curriculum was developed in 2004 and has been revised and evaluated in numerous care settings. This adult learning workshop can enhance the knowledge and understanding of those caring for the PLWD, whether you are a professional (formal) care giver or a family care giver (informal).
For more information, email or contact your local office.
U-First! ®
Is a training program that helps non-registered health care providers develop a common knowledge base, language, values and approach to caring for people with Alzheimer’s disease and cognitive impairment.
For more information, email or contact your local office.
Positive Approach to Care (PAC Training)
Teepa Snow’s workshops help equip both formal and informal caregivers with related awareness, knowledge and some skill development in order to respond to a person living with dementia’s change in cognition and abilities in a way that is not hurtful or offensive. It helps those caring for people living with dementia to recognize that the individual is doing the best they can and that if something isn’t working, it’s the responsibility of the Care Partner to change their approach and behaviours toward the person with dementia. It will help us all understand that, with practice, common reactions to the person with dementia can become thoughtful responses that can improve quality of life for everyone involved.
To learn more about our three modules, please click here.
For more information, email or contact your local office.
Dementia Experience
The Dementia Experience is an experiential learning tool. It is a learning opportunity for staff and volunteers who work with persons with dementia.
The Dementia Experience is made up of a number of steps. First, participants are “geared up” to simulate physical changes associated with aging, e.g.: hearing and vision loss, compromised mobility, and weakened muscle strength. Then the second stage of the Dementia Experience begins.
With the use of can, walker or wheelchair participants are escorted to another room and assigned five tasks to complete. The participants’ behaviours, coping and problem-solving skills are observed and documented. The observations for behaviours such as wandering, rummaging, touching everything, repetitive questions, frustration, agitation, obsessive tendencies and talking to themselves are noted and “charted”. Once the Dementia Experience is complete, a group debrief takes place to allow participants to share their learning moments.
For more information, email or contact your local office