Health Care Professionals: Resources

Our national partner, Alzheimer Society of Canada, has a comprehensive website filled with valuable resources. We encourage you to visit it to access current opportunities about living with dementia.

Visit the Alzheimer Society of Canada website at:

Specifically, you can visit the section called,  I’m a healthcare provider and National Resource Library.

Canadian Remote Access for Dementia Learning Experiences (CRADLE), funded by the Government of Canada’s Future Skills Centre, is a free online course on dementia care, developed for unregulated care providers (e.g., personal support workers and continuing care assistants) across Canada. CRADLE shared the story of five seniors living with dementia and using interactive features and engaging media, teaches learners practical approaches to real-life solutions.

CRADLE is available in multiple languages. The course can be completed as an individual or a group, in less than two hours. All those who complete CRADLE will be given a certificate.





We live in an increasingly multi-cultural and multi-faith world. Thirty years ago most residents living in Canadian long-term care and retirement communities were European-Canadian and Christian. Today a variety of religions and spiritual traditions, such as Buddhism and Hinduism, are practiced by residents and team members.

This brief and user-friendly multi-faith resource was created as a practical guide for all team members in retirement and long-term care settings.

The guide provides information on six major religions:

  • Buddhism
  • Christianity
  • Hinduism
  • Islam
  • Judaism
  • Sikhism

The guide provides the following information about each religion:

  • A brief description of the religion and its major beliefs
  • Holy Days, holidays, and ritual observances
  • Caring practices during late life or illness
  • Rituals and other practices that are important near the end of life
  • Sacred texts, scriptures, and prayers that may provide comfort at times of distress or when someone is dying.

Source: Schlegel-University of Waterloo Research Institute for Aging (RIA) 

View the guide here