Located at 42 Main St. S, in Hagersville, the Haldimand Abilities Centre (HAC) is a partnership program of the Alzheimer Society, Head Injury Rehabilitation Ontario (HIRO) and Vision Loss Rehabilitation Ontario (VLRO). HAC first opened its doors in 2008 and since that time has provided recreation programs for the people of Haldimand County, and neighbouring areas.
Throughout COVID-19, HAC moved to offering a virtual format providing programs such as Seated Fitness, Creative Painting, Short Story Reflections, and Brain Fit to participants while they were socially isolated at home. Over the summer, HAC began adding in in-person programs and as of October, HAC is pleased to announce that in addition to the virtual programs, HAC now has in-person programming three days a week. Depending on an individual’s comfort level there is something for everyone. Virtual programs or in-person sessions – it’s your choice!
All current COVID protocols are in place, and as such, pre-registration for all programs is mandatory. All are welcome to attend programs. There is no cost or membership, but donations are greatly appreciated.
HAC is a great place to meet people and engage in meaningful activities. For more information and to view the program calendar, visit HAC’s website at website www.haldimandabilitiescentre.com or call the office (905)768-4488.