York University is looking for rural dwelling older patients with dementia and their care partners to participate in their study.
To be eligible, patients must: be aged 60+, currently being discharged from hospital or have been discharged in the past 30 days, have a care partner helping them after discharge, and live in Ontario, Nova Scotia, or Alberta.
Care Partners may be eligible if they are aged 18+, an unpaid relative, partner, or friend and the patient’s primary provider of care after discharge.

If you have any questions about the study, please contact the Project Manager via email at jibutler@yorku.ca or by phone at 604-813-7128.

To learn more, please click here.

NOTE: ASBHNHH does not financially benefit from circulating this information. As well, ASBHNHH has not done any vetting. Individuals interested in participating this study should get more information and speak with the Project Manager before participating.