The Alzheimer Society Brant, Haldimand Norfolk, Hamilton Halton celebrated National Volunteer Week April 14 – 20, 2024 by highlighting the national theme, “Every Moment Matters”! During the week, staff took the time to celebrate our volunteers by attending special recognition events throughout our regions, using social media to highlight the work our volunteers do, or taking a minute to personally thank a volunteer at the office. Our events in Brantford, Burlington, and Jarvis were the highlight of the week!

On Monday, April 15th, volunteers plus guests were involved with a collaborative Brantford volunteer appreciation event that included Pizza, and an Illusionist/Cover Band show at the Sanderson Center. Gifts and awards are to be given at a later ‘coffee’ date.
On Wednesday, April 17th, volunteers and staff participated in the Hamilton Halton “Every Moment Matters” Volunteer Appreciation 2024 event. Volunteers shared a warm and friendly meal, stories, and awards at the Rose Garden Family Restaurant in Burlington.
On Wednesday, April 17th the Haldimand Norfolk volunteer appreciation event was held at Just Johns in Jarvis. Volunteers enjoyed a pub-style meal, framed certificates and year of service awards and had fun with “Getting to Know You” Bingo. There were game prizes and a special gift of a signature mug of colourful flowers. An enjoyable time was had by all!
The Volunteer Engagement Team would like to thank all ASBHNHH staff who helped to celebrate our wonderful volunteers!

Gold Service Awards
(8+ years of volunteering)

Barbara Bell started volunteering in Haldimand Norfolk in 2014. Barbara has assisted with the Haldimand Abilities Centre, providing administration, and assisting with the many HAC programs and events.

Momina Khan started volunteering in Hamilton Halton in 2015. Momina helps with our Community Ambassador Program, Senior Fairs and our In-home Social Recreation program.

Susan Woods-Lovell started volunteering in Hamilton Halton in 2016. Susan helps make matches in the In-home Social Recreation program, and has a match of her own and she supports Creative Expressions.
Silver Service Awards
(5+ years of volunteering)
Olga Barrera started volunteering in Hamilton Halton in 2018, helped with our original Volunteer Visitor Program, as well as being a Community Ambassador.
Lori Broomfield started volunteering in Brantford in 2018, assisting with teleconnect and administrative tasks before 2020 and, more recently, supporting a person living with dementia through the In Home Social Recreation Program.
Christine Davies started volunteering in Hamilton Halton in 2018, helps with Administrative Support, Teleconnect, as well as support with our group programs.
Josie Heath started volunteering in Brantford in 2018, assists persons living with dementia to participate at group Minds in Motion Program.
Marilyn Korobka started volunteering in Haldimand Norfolk in 2019. Marilyn has provided the Music for Memory program, assisted with events and program assistance.
Phil Massecar started volunteering in Haldimand Norfolk in 2018. Phil facilitated the Men’s breakfast in Simcoe, provides IHSR, assisted with events and is now facilitating the Men’s Social Group in Haldimand.
Ingrid Morrison started volunteering in Hamilton Halton in 2019, helps with our Teleconnect Program, and special projects.
Adela Mudford started volunteering in Haldimand Norfolk in 2018. Adela assisted with administration in the Simcoe Office and various events.
George Piotrowski started volunteering in Hamilton Halton in 2019, was a Volunteer Visitor and then he was the first volunteer to be matched in our new In-Home Social Recreation program.

Bronze Service Awards
(2+ years of volunteering)
Sameh Bolos started volunteering in Hamilton Halton in 2022, supports our In-Home Social Recreation Program and he is a trained Community Ambassador.
Heather deJong started volunteering in Brantford in 2022, supports a person living with dementia through our In Home Social Recreation Program.
Susan Hill started volunteering in Hamilton Halton in 2020, helps with our Minds in Motion Program and Creative Expressions programs.
Dennis Hlaydsh started volunteering in Hamilton Halton in 2022, helps with group program support and he is part of the Care Partner Group reboot.
Deretta Meade: started volunteering in Haldimand Norfolk in 2021. Deretta provides the Music for Memory program, assists with events, program assistance and most recently Teleconnect.
Resmi Nair started volunteering in Hamilton Halton in 2022, helps with our In-Home Social Recreation Program.
Karen Stanley-Epp started volunteering in Hamilton Halton in 2022, helps with Administrative and Program Support, and our Creative Expressions Program.
Nishath Tasneem started volunteering in Hamilton Halton 2022, helps with our Community Ambassador Program.
Bev Wilson started volunteering in Hamilton Halton in 2022, helps with Education and Program support, as well as our In-Home Social Recreation Program.

Volunteer services are supported by the Ontario Trillium Foundation